Title: Third Time's A Charm, In Theory Author: Purpleyin Rating: K Spoilers: All of S4 generally. Summary: Trilogy of Christmas drabbles featuring Marco and the Skouris ladies. Bit angsty, sorry.
Title: Forgiveness Author: Purpleyin Rating: Teen Spoilers: For all S3.
Summary: Marco POV on S3 events involving him and Diana. Warning that it's not a sunny trip through his mind as he works out his pain - more conceptual/experimental fic than usual as it relates to religious themes partially, as part of his upbringing.
Title: Pressure 4/5 Author: Purpleyin Rating: Teen Spoilers: For S2 “Lockdown”.
Summary: Lockdown AU. Diana/Marco. He was so glad she was halfway across the building, he needed that distance as greatly as the rest of him wanted so desperately for it to not exist.
Title: Seeing Straight Author: Purpleyin Rating: K
Spoilers: Definitely Season 1, and perhaps by implication the setup for the start of Season 2.
Summary: Written for the Diana/Marco month of love, and for skidamarinka who provided the prompt of “Diana and Marco shop together for Maia's birthday present.”